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Courses in this Program:

Lessons in English - User Guide :

  1. 1 Getting Started

    Objective: Learn how to Setup SkylerAI

  2. 2 Login to Skyler

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users will learn how to log into Skyler AI

  3. 3 Contacts Overview

  4. 4 Manually Adding Individual Contacts

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users will learn how to add contacts manually to Skyler

  5. 5 Part 1 - Mass Uploading Contacts

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users will learn how to create the contact template to mass upload contacts.

  6. 6 Part 2 - Mass Uploading Contacts

    Objective: In this lesson you will learn how to upload your contact list to SkylerAI.

  7. 7 Understand The Contacts Color Code System

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users will learn how understand the color coding system. Each color corresponds to different actions required to respond to your contacts.

  8. 8 Engage your Contacts In Conversation View

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users learn how to engage with their contacts both from List and Conversation View. Engagement is any form of connecting or reaching out to a client.

  9. 9 Calling Contacts (Optional)

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users learn how to call their contacts

  10. 10 Listening to Voicemail

  11. 11 Using Notes

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users learn how to create notes for their contacts

  12. 12 Using Tasks

    Objective: In this lesson, users will understand how to use tasks

  13. 13 Appointments Overview

  14. 14 Step 1. Create Meeting Types

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users learn how to set up their appointments manually by creating different meeting types

  15. 15 Step 2. Creating A Message Template For Your Contact

    Objective: In this lesson you will learn how to create a message for your client so they can self-schedule an appointment.

  16. 16 Step 3. Sending The Message

    Objective: In this lesson you will learn how to send the message template to individual clients..

  17. 17 Step 4. Navigating Appointment List

    Objective: In this lesson, users will learn how to navigate the appointment list

  18. 18 Creating A Transaction

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users will learn how to create a transaction

  19. 19 Templates

    Objective: In this lesson, you will learn the purpose of templates and how to use them.

  20. 20 Next Steps Overview

  21. 21 Understanding The Dashboard

    Objective: In this video tutorial, users learn how to understand analytics under dashboard

Lessons in English Mobile IOS - Android:

  1. 1 Lesson 1: How to Login to the Mobile App

    Objective: Learn how to login to the mobile app

  2. 2 Lesson 2: How to Navigate the Mobile App

    Objective: Learn how to navigate the mobile app

  3. 3 Lesson 3: How to Access and Navigate the Contact View

    Objective: Learn how to access and navigate the List View

  4. 4 Lesson 4: How to Engage a Contact via Text

    Objective: Learn how to engage a Contact

  5. 5 Lesson 5: How to Listen to a Contact Voicemail Recording

    Objective: Learn how to listen to a Contact voicemail

  6. 6 Lesson 6: How to Add or View a Note

    Objective: Learn how to add or view a note

  7. 7 Lesson 7: How to Set an Appointment

    Objective: Learn how to schedule an appointment

  8. 8 Lesson 8: How to Manually Add a Contact

    Objective: Learn how to manually add a Contact

  9. 9 Lesson 9: How to Call a Contact Using the Mobile App

    Objective: Learn how to call a Contact

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