English - User Guide

21 Lessons

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Getting Started

Getting Started

Learn how to Setup SkylerAI

Login to Skyler

In this video tutorial, users will learn how to log into Skyler AI


Contacts Overview

Manually Adding Individual Contacts

In this video tutorial, users will learn how to add contacts manually to Skyler

Part 1 - Mass Uploading Contacts

In this video tutorial, users will learn how to create the contact template to mass upload contacts.

Part 2 - Mass Uploading Contacts

In this lesson you will learn how to upload your contact list to SkylerAI.

Understand The Contacts Color Code System

In this video tutorial, users will learn how understand the color coding system. Each color corresponds to different actions required to respond to your contacts.

Engage your Contacts In Conversation View

In this video tutorial, users learn how to engage with their contacts both from List and Conversation View. Engagement is any form of connecting or reaching out to a client.

Calling Contacts (Optional)

In this video tutorial, users learn how to call their contacts

Listening to Voicemail

Using Notes

In this video tutorial, users learn how to create notes for their contacts

Using Tasks

In this lesson, users will understand how to use tasks


Appointments Overview

Step 1. Create Meeting Types

In this video tutorial, users learn how to set up their appointments manually by creating different meeting types

Step 2. Creating A Message Template For Your Contact

In this lesson you will learn how to create a message for your client so they can self-schedule an appointment.

Step 3. Sending The Message

In this lesson you will learn how to send the message template to individual clients..

Step 4. Navigating Appointment List

In this lesson, users will learn how to navigate the appointment list


Creating A Transaction

In this video tutorial, users will learn how to create a transaction



In this lesson, you will learn the purpose of templates and how to use them.

Next Steps

Next Steps Overview

Understanding The Dashboard

In this video tutorial, users learn how to understand analytics under dashboard